Wrestling Ground at the annual Rakkar Mela – First time a local was challenged by a white man

First they did not want me to fight ecause I my pants did not match the uniform code. Since they were all excited about having a white guy in the circle they told me to fight anyway. It was against a Gaddi – a local Shepherd.

It reminded me of the good old times …

After the fight I could feel the stones inside my knees.

From the fight I had seen before, I knew there are not many rules. Still I tried to make him loose with dignity.

This was his last breath.

I had fought in Europe for five years and did not receive one cent – here they give me 80 Rupees for a fight!

The village treated me like a hero! I felt very proud …

6 Responses to “Wrestling Ground at the annual Rakkar Mela – First time a local was challenged by a white man”

  1. chika noya Says:

    take off your pants !!! i wanna see the rest ;P

  2. bernindien Says:

    well I saw the knees after you took the stones out…still it wasn’t nice to look at. I live with the peaceful (haha) tibetans here and so I am completely against violent sports like that 😉

  3. katz Says:

    hehe… looks good… hope you spent your hard earned money for something worth it…

  4. georg Says:

    der hund isch a maschin! aber für den ma o scho a kle peinlich… immerhin hat er gegs an 12 jöhriger verlora 😉
    ok, alter blöder schmäh, aber was anderes fallt ma ned i.

    hoff alles isch parat bei dir.

  5. herr kopf... Says:

    jajo…do kummt da alte ringergeist vom smi wieder voll ussa..
    -gute leistung! 😉 hoff du hosch as khoerig und bleibsch so fleissig wia in dinem bericht verzellt hosch!

  6. Tobias Says:

    Ja wie geil ist das, noch ein Auslandszivi-Blog! Da gesellt sich ja wer zu meinem LA/Kanada-Blog und Joergs Brasilien-Blog dazu 🙂

    geil, ich hab lachen muessen, als ich Zivi in der Ueberschrift und dann Maenner-Schlamm-Kaetschen gesehen hab.

    Glueckwunsch, kauf dir ein grosses Eis drum! 😀

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